Friday, October 19, 2012

Nemo found on top of my computer...

Figure 1: Nemo in the lab with, from left, Charlotte, Rafael, Alex and Ben.

Let me introduce another member of our team. In Figure 1 (I told you there would be science here) is our pet clownfish called Nemo. As all observationalists tend to be, I was sceptical of bringing a clownfish to sea. My scepticism was soon sidelined when I learn he speaks fluent English (though with a strong French accent). We have struck up an unlikely friendship. He informs me that he hates his name and likens its prevalence to the explosion of Kylies in the UK in the early 90's. He maintains that he was born in the mid-1950's (thus rubbishing his earlier story about the origin of his name) and can tell me anything about the ocean as he knows everything and has been everywhere. I am inclined reinstate my scepticism.

I am at a loss as to what category of sea-going scientist Nemo fits into: he is neither student (Figure 1, left & background) nor gristled sea-scientist (Figure 1, right). In fact I'm not even sure if 'he' is male or female–apparently that's a touchy subject with clownfish. Anyway, he was in need of an introduction. He apologises for not writing this entry himself but fins are not good for typing. I pointed out that he had plenty of fins but not enough gers. I don't think he got it.

The reason he looks so unhappy in the picture is because we've had an unexpected stop in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and he is not allowed up the road. As we approached Santa Cruz, a rainbow split the sky. The rocky peaks of Teneriffe were swaddled in mists. The whole sight was rather wonderful. Personally, I'll be happier seeing this view from the aft deck in a few days time…

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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